Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Ultimate Price is Right Strategy Guide: Pick-A-Pair


A prize is shown as are six grocery items. The contestant picks two grocery items. If they have the same price, the contestant wins the prize. Otherwise, the contestant keeps one of the two grocery items they initially chose and try to find the item that matches its price. If successful, they win; if not, they lose.

Random fact
When this game first debuted, it used a mini-Ferris wheel to display the products. You can see a playing here from the 1980s nighttime show:

(Jump ahead to the 6:45 mark to see the Pick-A-Pair playing.)

Win-loss record
  • Actual (seasons 29-47): 223-68 (76.63%)
  • What it would be by random chance: 2/5 (40%)
The easiest way to play this game is to pick either the two most expensive products or the two cheapest products, whichever is easier for you to deduce. But because they never reveal the prices of more than four items, and usually only reveal only two or three of the prices, I cannot draw any conclusions about which pairs are more or less likely to be correct.

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