Monday, July 29, 2019

The Ultimate Price is Right Strategy Guide: Grocery Game

Grocery Game

A prize is shown. Then 5 grocery items are shown. The contestant must pick one grocery item at a time and decide how many of that item they wish to buy. A running total of the contestant's purchases is kept; if that total ends up between $20 and $22, inclusive, they win the game. Should they go over $22 or use all 5 items and not be at $20, they lose.

Random fact
There's usually a theme behind the grocery products in this game. One time, they proved they have at least one geek on staff as they went with a popular board game as the theme. See if you can figure out which game it was:

Win-loss rate (seasons 29-46): 77-148 (34.22%)

From seasons 32-46, the contestant won the game by using...
  • 1 grocery product: 6 times (9.83% of all wins)
  • 2 grocery products: 23 wins (37.71% of all wins)
  • 3 grocery products: 23 wins (37.71% of all wins)
  • 4 grocery products: 8 wins (13.12% of all wins)
  • 5 grocery products: 1 win (1.64% of all wins)
You do need to know the prices of at least a couple of the items. Then the key is to start expensive and finish cheap. Begin with an expensive item and take 2 of that (be careful about taking 3 as they do sometimes use products over $8). That will usually get you to the $10-$15 range. Then look for a mid-level product around $3-$5, and take 1-2 of that. That should get you close to the $20 mark. Finally, take 1 or 2 of the cheapest item to get you over $20 but not over $22. By saving the cheapest item for last, you can adjust this strategy to fit the actual items you get; however, if you use the cheapest item first and end up at something like $19.50 with only expensive items left you probably can't win the game.

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